Inland waterway transport as environmentally friendly way of carrying goods?

Inland waterway transport:

The White Paper of Transport recognises inland navigation as an energy-efficient transport mode and encourages the raising of its share in the modal split.

Can be described as the most effective and most environmentally friendly mode of transport (with regard to specific energy use). An inland vessel is able to transport one ton of cargo almost four times further than a truck using the same consumption of energy.

Compared with other transport modes external costs deriving from climate gases, air pollutants, accidents and noise are the lowest. External costs for 1.000 km for an inland vessel are 10 Euro compared to 15 Euro via rail and 35 Euro via truck.

Co2 emissions are, in comparison to other modes of transport, especially low. This enables inland navigation to contribute to the achievement of climate goals set by the European Union.

Raising the amount of goods transported on the Danube will consequently result in a reduction of traffic jams, noise, pollution and accidents on roads. Additionally a relieve strain on the railway system is caused.