About Us
The REWWay-team is glad to welcome you on our REWWay-information platform. The goal of our offers and content is to bring you in touch with inland navigation and to support you to integrate it into your lessons. To better adjust our offers to your needs we would ask you for your active feedback. As a matter of course we are also available for further information and will be pleased to answer all additional questions you may have (rewway@fh-steyr.at).
Visions and Goals
The goal of REWWay is to integrate inland navigation (with a focus on Danube navigation) into logistics education and training to raise acceptance of the Danube as environmentally friendly way of transport by:
High quality and up-to-date teaching material
- of all kinds (PowerPoints, scripts, short films, exercises/solutions, case studies, serious games,...)
- user-friendly (easy to use, target group oriented)
- individually adaptable and easy to update (Creative Common Licenses, no copyright)
- internationally usable (German and English version,adaptable to country-specifics)
(Inter)-national networking between educational institutions, economy and research by:
- organisation and arrangement of excursions
- guest lectures
- joint projects
- case studies
- best practice examples,...
We are very pleased about the active cooperation with stakeholders from the industry and the educational sector.
We are a member of PIANC (The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure)