Synchromodality Game

The aim of this board game is to teach the players the basic elements of synchromodality in a playful way. The game can be played with employees, students and pupils or with interested people.
The players act as logistics service providers and have to fulfil transport orders using inland waterways, rail and road. In the course of fulfilling the transport orders, costs are caused, CO2 is emitted and profit is made.
The exact procedure and rules of the game can be found in the game instructions. The Synchromodality Game is currently only available in English.

The following files, which are also available for download, are required for the game:
• Action Cards (print on both sides)
• Calculation Sheet
• CO2 Cards (print on both sides)
• Game instruction
• Quick Rules
• Transport Coins (print on both sides)
• Transport Orders
• Game Board

The files have to be printed and the playing cards (Action Cards, CO2 Cards, Transport Coins and Transport Orders) cut apart. The files were combined into single-sided (part 1) and double-sided (part 2) printable game documents, the game instructions can be downloaded separately.

The board game "Synchromodality Game" was developed within the Interreg project Danube SKILLS.

(pdf, 537.4 KB)
Spielunterlagen Teil 1
(pdf, 7.2 MB)
Spielunterlagen Teil 2
(pdf, 4.7 MB)


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